I've been getting more and more behind as I clean my studio and computer room. It would be nice to have a clone who could paint at the easel while I clean. The alternative is to get rich and famous so I could hire someone to do the cleaning and cooking. That would be ideal, but methinks that shipped sailed many eons ago. I am selling a stack of Great Dane magazines on eBay. I have enjoyed them for a while, perusing the pages, looking at the gorgeous Great Danes, from pups to veterans. It's funny how a dog breed will grab you heart and soul. I can recognize the bark of a Great Dane before even seeing the dog. Great Dane puppies are the most adorable little beings. They stay little for what seems like a few days before they start the growing spurts. When they are 8 weeks old, they are squishy, wrinkly, endearingly clumsy little characters, with sparkling eyes. Oh and the softest most velvety ears! I've had a lot of dogs over the years, but the Great Dane has been my real love. Sadly, with the years have come the more noticeable pains associated with having 140+ pounds of pure canine; the stepped on toes, being pulled down and having bruised ribs. I recall back in the day with my Moose, who I lost at age 13 to old age in 2007... we were playing and stupidly I had my head poised over his when he decided to launch, and my tooth went thru my bottom lip. OUCH! With my first Great Dane, Alyce, she decided to do a zoomie (Dane people know this term!) just as I was bending over to pick flowers in a field. She hit me upside the head and almost knocked me out. It took a few days for the grapefruit sized swelling to subside. That was then and this is now. Bruising lasts longer these days, so I am uncertain about having another Great Dane in the future. I may have to downsize due to my small stature and encroaching years! Thus, the
magazines went onto the auction block. I used to have danedreams of showing my Danes and starting a line. Don't we all at some point? And then reality sets in; how could I do that on an artist's meager income? why would I even really want to do that? could I take back a puppy if necessary? nope, it's not for me. I've come to terms with that lost dream. I will instead enjoy my dogs for who they are and not what they are. Sometimes it is best to stop with the danedreams so you can just enjoy the dog. And that's what I'm doing now. I remember the first Great Dane I ever met, and I will leave that story for another day. Time is short and I have to get this cleaning crap over with. Wally, my Aussie mix dog has a horrible case of allergies, digging at himself, itching, scratching, and he is on Frontline Plus. It seems to work for about 3 weeks now instead of 4 weeks. I bathed him this morning, among all the other cleaning, and will apply a new batch of FL Plus as soon as he's dry. I hope everyone has a good day.
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